January 12, 2017

Blurry font, resolution and program fix for HD screens | Windows 10

This walks you through a registry fix for mmc related font blur (like with Device Manager) and 3rd party installer font blur on QHD monitors and high DPI laptops. Turns out it also solves blur problems in iTunes and other non-Windows programs. Please read below and comment.

I wanted to show the "before and after" with the awesome "presto-chango" but forgot it requires a restart or logout. So while the ending is unsatisfying, I guarantee this is the genuine fix you've been looking for. FINALLY CLEAR with no extra software!

If your native scaling is not at 125%, you may need to tweak your font size afterwords in "Display" in the Control Panel. It might seem a little small. My Lenovo Yoga 2 13 and my Acer QHD monitor have crystal clear fonts across the board for the first time since purchase! I scoured online forums and Microsoft support for two years only ever to get it "close enough". Now it's fixed. WOOHOO!

Note: you will see in the Win10 settings that you are set to a "custom scaling" after this fix.

January 11, 2017

How to get rid of svchost.exe (netsvcs) windows 10/disable netsvc/stop netsvc.exe

Simultaneously press Windows key + R to open run command box.

2. In run command box, type: services.msc and press Enter.

stop bits&windows update

Memory fix Windows 10/8.1,netsvc,back ground intelligent transfer,windows update,svchost,memory leak fix